Thursday, July 9, 2009

He wouldn't see my face.

Allocate me favorable settings; an environment in which my hair is soft and white.
Please do not touch my shoulder if i feel angry.sometimes it begins to tingle at my fingertips and my skin starts to glow; the things i try and control.I
am not for anyone.

"she is a slut, but x thinks its sexyshe goes above and beyond her call of duty"-BK

Please do not try to apply comfort here.
Even if you could, it would be a de-volving action; something dangerous to habit.
I do like the thought of you sitting on the edge of my bed while i try and try to catch my breath. Please do not touch my shoulder, but i do like you sitting there.
But it is my secret that i would pretend you are not thereso that the day i am alone is not so surprising or new.
where my greatest company is my own.and my greatest downfall when i was young.a soft, small girl with white hair.
who slept at nightand loved, and reloved.
and hugged her mother and fatherand did not recognize deaths blurred, matt facebut i have become the thing i feared as a child.
where i am well versedand utterly void of love.or maybe it is the capacity that i am lacking.
[it is something that she would spend the nights, rearranging the stars with her fingertips...]

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